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Full Name Jim Schoepski Jim
Gender male
Age 66
Country US
Province/State IL
Profile Views 6818
Last Profile Update Aug, 11, 2012
Date Signed Up May, 25, 2010

Body Type Athletic
Weight 189
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Blonde
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Exercise Habits
My avg. daily activity level is Lightly Active
My current fitness level is Excellent
Why I gave myself this rating:
I exercise regularly Yes
Number of days a week I exercise is 4
My intensity level during exercise is Hard
Activities preferred in an exercise program:
Walking, Aerobics, Bicycling, Resistance Training,
Fitness Goals
My target weight is 185
I am motivated to get:
Muscle Definition, Muscle Strength, Muscular Endurance, Improved Health, Less Ache & Pains, Cardio Endurance
I most want to improve in these areas:
Cardio Fitness
My exercise obstacles or deterrents are:
My initial goals (3 months) are:
My long range goals (1 year) are:
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