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FELICIA W's Profile


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Gender female
Age 71
Country US
Province/State CA
City Bay Area
Profile Views 7549
Last Profile Update Jan, 5, 2008
Date Signed Up Dec, 1, 2007

Body Type Large
Weight 294
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color White/gray
Family and Professional Life
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Exercise Habits
My avg. daily activity level is Sedentary
My current fitness level is Poor
Why I gave myself this rating:
I'm a writer AND I have a day job that has me chained to a desk. However I'm exercising 2x a day now
I exercise regularly Yes
Number of days a week I exercise is 5
My intensity level during exercise is Hard
Activities preferred in an exercise program:
Walking, Aerobics, Tai Chi/Yoga, Resistance Training, stationary bike, fit ball, dumbells
Fitness Goals
My target weight is 140
I am motivated to get:
Muscle Definition, Muscle Strength, Smaller Clothes Size, Muscular Endurance, Improved Health, Muscle Flexibility, Less Ache & Pains, Variety Of Workouts, Better Circulation, Cardio Endurance
I most want to improve in these areas:
Abdominals, Arms, Back, Chest, Legs, Shoulders, Cardio Fitness
My exercise obstacles or deterrents are:
knee joints because of my weight.
My initial goals (3 months) are:
Lose weight. Get Stronger. Feel and look better.
My long range goals (1 year) are:
Lose at least 50% of my current weight. by 3/16/2009
Lifestyle & Contact
Smoker No
Drinker No
Living with I'll tell you later
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Ethnity African American
Religion Spiritual but not religious
Political Views Very liberal
Sense Of Humor Clever/Quick Witted
Astro Sign Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)
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Free Time Write Fiction
Favorite Sports
Favorite Music R&B and Soul
Favorite Books Madam Bovary, Sula, Mrs. Bridge
Favorite Show Any and all Reality TV Shows
Favorite Food Anything that will get me closer to my goal weight

About Me
I'm taking the "Biggest Loser" approach to this life changing journey. I'm eating sanely, training hard, and l want to lose weight as if my life depended on it. (It does.) I'm pretending I'm a goddess warrior trying to save her first born child.