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Old Original Post: 11/25/2008 5:47:14 AM a
Joined On: Nov, 21, 2008
Posts: 2

So I decided to create this group for a very simple reason. I have a very difficult time staying motivated. I’ve read different groups and while it’s cool to be positive, I want realistic. I noticed that when I read about ppl having the same difficulties I have, I work harder to overcome them. It’s like I gain some motivation from realizing that it’s not just me and that I can make it past this. Hopefully there are other ppl out here that feel the same. Welcome to the group!  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 12/21/2008 4:02:20 PM
Joined On: Nov, 3, 2008
Posts: 27
Forum Reply Re: Introduction

I too am in the same boat...that is why I craeted the one more try group. I was lacking motivation and frankly I have failed before. Just can't seem to get it right! As too the motivation thing, well I have done everythign from promising myself basically anything under the sun to involving family for support...with no results. So if you have any sugestions too I am all ears. But I can definelty help you.. Because you can do this.. First, Lets get through the Christmas season, how can we do this?  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 4/14/2009 11:23:33 AM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2009
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: Introduction

During Christmas I suggest that you limit your intake of food. I know everyone says this ,but exercising is key. It doesn't matter the season all you have to do is limit how much you eat and exercise regularly. ; )

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/1/2010 9:58:50 AM
Joined On: Aug, 25, 2010
Posts: 17
Forum Reply Re: Introduction

I think it helps to have someone to talk to. I have a hard time findin time for myself. I have two year old twin boys and work full time. Anyone else have any time issues?  

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