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What do you do when you log in?
Old Original Post: 5/8/2008 9:14:55 AM a
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
What do you do when you log in?

I am always looking for the best thing to do to improve my experience on this Personal trainer website, so If you could help me a bit. Tell me what you do when you first log-on and please tell me why. :) thanks!  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/22/2008 8:47:55 PM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

Great interaction guys...... One great thing you can do is find a fitness friend and challenge yourself... Use our fitness rewards program to compete against each other.... Its a great way to stay motivated..... Wishing you the best..Robert Your PT  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/23/2008 1:27:29 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

Hey Justin, just checkin in on ya, hope you're still on track! I just set a new record for myself, it was awesome!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/27/2008 10:56:24 AM
Joined On: May, 7, 2008
Posts: 8
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

Awesome, I have been quite busy the recent weeks, so I was not able to keep on track. I think I have come up with a solution which will allow me to lift at a regular time every day or so. I hope that this plan works, man my schedule just fills up itself.  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/27/2008 12:24:52 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

I know exactly what you mean! If I don't exercise before 10 am ther's no way I can until 10 pm, that's just rediculous forme, so I really have to get going early, but then I'm full of energy all day! Glad to hear from you, God Bless!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/31/2008 10:54:48 AM
Joined On: Oct, 30, 2008
Posts: 2
Forum Reply Re: What do you do when you log in?

I'm new here but I suppose the best place to start seems to be the calendar. I am looking forward to filling it up with completed workouts.

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