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Navigating the My Fit Cafe
Old Original Post: 8/23/2007 2:43:50 AM a
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Navigating the My Fit Cafe

How come evey time I input my information then save it, it goes back to "i'll tell you later" mode?  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/23/2007 6:17:41 PM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: Navigating the My Fit Cafe

This issue should be resolved... I was contacted by our IT dept.... Please let us know if you experience any additional issues....  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/23/2007 8:11:03 PM
Joined On: Aug, 14, 2007
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Navigating the My Fit Cafe

No big deal, just wondering. But on another note...do we have to check each and every group for new comments and questions, or is there a way to be notified when something new is written?

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/24/2007 8:04:52 PM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: Navigating the My Fit Cafe

You have an option within your profile to select options for those things in the lower left section of your profile page...... You can select to receive new notifications etc.. Hope that helps.Rick  

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