feeling low but pressing on
Original Post: 1/16/2008 11:57:22 AM a
Joined On: Dec, 1, 2007
Posts: 84
feeling low but pressing on
What else can one do? Change or remain stagnant. Those are always the choices, I believe. I'm choosing to act.
Reply Post: 1/20/2008 9:04:35 AM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Re: feeling low but pressing on
in my business life i ask managers to give me the reasons they dont meet their goals and then work wiht them on eliminaitng those causes. What is it that causes the low sitiuations, or loss of will power --- what are the conditions, what is the path that you get there. For instance I have alot of beer calories and listed the last bunch of times I hade beer, the most common was while playing cards, so next time I played I packed bottled water along with my beer in the cooler to reduce calories