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Road to Marathon +100 pushups
Old Original Post: 10/15/2009 3:10:25 PM a
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Road to Marathon +100 pushups

for logging progress and tips and struggles to get to 26.2 by Dec 12 and 100 by Nov 14  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/15/2009 3:11:42 PM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Road to Marathon +100 pushups

day 1 blog 12 miles & 3x10 pu

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/15/2009 5:08:39 PM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Road to Marathon +100 pushups

day2 (started yesterdy!) 4 miles 3x20push 3x4 pull 3x70 sit  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/18/2009 11:59:11 AM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Road to Marathon +100 pushups

day 3 3x25 push 3x75 sit 3x5 pull

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/18/2009 11:59:55 AM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Road to Marathon +100 pushups

day 4 rested

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/21/2009 5:16:06 PM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Road to Marathon +100 pushups

12 miles 10:36 min no pushups no pain!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 12/25/2009 10:24:10 AM
Joined On: Dec, 19, 2007
Posts: 21
Forum Reply Re: Road to Marathon +100 pushups

finished the Thunder Road marathon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 complete  

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