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Keep Talking Pleasse!
Old Original Post: 4/30/2008 10:18:47 AM a
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Keep Talking Pleasse!

I am very encouraged to see other people really working so hard to lose weight! I don't feel like I'm in it alone. So I just wanted to say keep talking, I need all the help I can get, and Thank you for your willingness to share!  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/22/2008 8:46:17 PM
Joined On: Dec, 31, 2006
Posts: 39
Forum Reply Re: Keep Talking Pleasse!

Keep it up Tina...... WE all need support in everything in life!!!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/23/2008 1:31:39 PM
Joined On: Apr, 7, 2008
Posts: 12
Forum Reply Re: Keep Talking Pleasse!

Thanks Robert, for a while there I thought I was the only one here, I'm so excited to see people talking again! Once again, I love this site!!!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 5/27/2008 11:09:10 AM
Joined On: Apr, 19, 2008
Posts: 1
Forum Reply Re: Keep Talking Pleasse!

Hello Tina, we are here, just busy exercising. We are all in this. We want to be fit, healthy, happy, full of energy. I also need you to help me. We can do this.  

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