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Goals for february
Old Original Post: 2/1/2013 1:33:01 AM a
Joined On: Jan, 8, 2013
Posts: 46
Goals for february

What are your health and fitness goials for february?
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/1/2013 1:33:53 AM
Joined On: Jan, 8, 2013
Posts: 46
Forum Reply Re: Goals for february

Mine are to work out with weights at least 2 times a week, and to go for a walk for an hour or more at least five times a week. I am also aiming to lose one and a half kilograms

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/2/2013 10:25:06 PM
Joined On: Jan, 8, 2013
Posts: 46
Forum Reply Re: Goals for february

One more goal for february. Once every two weeks I want to do all the housework (sweeping, mopping, vaccuming, washing) in one day as some sort of giant circuit. I figure this will give me a great workout.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/10/2013 1:39:27 AM
Joined On: Jan, 8, 2013
Posts: 46
Forum Reply Re: Goals for february

From monday I will be joining a gym, so my revised goal is to go to the gym 3 times a week :)

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 2/11/2013 5:09:48 AM
Joined On: Jan, 8, 2013
Posts: 46
Forum Reply Re: Goals for february

Woot! I am now the proud owner of a gym membership, and have arranged my first cardio workout for tomorrow. I have also done 60 minutes walking today at about 4kph pushing a pram

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