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Another Water Question
Old Original Post: 5/23/2010 9:43:59 PM a
Joined On: Apr, 3, 2010
Posts: 6
Another Water Question

Aside from providing flavor, does anyone know if there is any health benefit (or detriment) to adding lemon juice to drinking water?
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 7/17/2010 10:32:39 AM
Joined On: Jun, 28, 2010
Posts: 16
Forum Reply Re: Another Water Question

I have heard that lemon juice and vinegar are great for flushing the system. I have a friend that ads both to her water. She is stronger than I am. I can do the lemon but that is it. I heard that to keep healthy that a person needs to drink half their weight in oz of water a day. That is a lot of water. I am trying but cant quite pull it off.

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