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Not Losing
Old Original Post: 7/15/2008 10:01:08 PM a
Joined On: Jul, 5, 2008
Posts: 7
Not Losing

Ok so I've been eating right and working my butt off and I still haven't lost anything. Any tips?  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 7/16/2008 11:15:30 AM
Joined On: Jul, 5, 2008
Posts: 7
Forum Reply Re: Not Losing

I would love to get down 10 pounds by September 20th. I am in a wedding and I don't even know if I can fit in my dress at this point. I guess I should try it on to see how bad it is. Does anyone have any tips to jump start the metabolism?

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 7/17/2008 1:43:45 PM
Joined On: Jul, 5, 2008
Posts: 7
Forum Reply Re: Not Losing

Yeah!!! I got on teh sclae and lost 2 pounds. I guess my hard work is working it will just take time.

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 10/20/2008 4:49:52 AM
Joined On: Oct, 19, 2008
Posts: 5
Forum Reply Re: Not Losing

Try not to worry about too much stuff, it can raise your stress level, and affect your metabolism.   

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 1/21/2009 10:53:14 PM
Joined On: Dec, 29, 2008
Posts: 25
Forum Reply Re: Not Losing

I have run into the same problem. I have completely hit the plateau and can't get through it!! I have worked really hard and have lost about 2 lbs. in the last 2 months. Compared to the 40 I lost before that, it is killing me!!

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